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Bendigo Street Documentary Fundraiser launch

  • New International Book Shop 54 Victoria Street Carlton, VIC, 3053 Australia (map)

We invite you to an intimate conversation with director of Bendigo Street, Jasmine Barzani, including a short preview screening of the film.

Book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bendigo-street-documentary-fundraiser-launch-tickets-441413528747

At a moment of historic housing precarity, this documentary seeks to show the relevance of direct action and the fight for public housing in Melbourne, and beyond, through first-hand accounts of those involved.


$20,000 in 20 days!

The Bendigo Street documentary film is a peer produced fully independently funded film made my people who were directly invovled in the campaign. Because of grant requirements and red tape, funding opportunities for new filmmakers promoting social justice issues are few and far between. This is why we need your help!

From November 17th to December 6th the creators of the Bendigo Street Documentary are launching a fundraising campaign to raise $20,000 to help fund the feature length film!

Donation link at Documentary Australia:

RSVP preferred as seating is limited.


20min: film plays

30min: Q&A

30min: drinks and mingle


Squatters who launched the 2016 Bendigo Street housing occupations expose our current urban landscape as the battleground between the denizens of Naarm and the married forces of capitalism and settler-colonialism.

The 2016 Bendigo Street campaign was a political protest that involved the occupation of over 15 government owned houses that were compulsorily acquired for the defunct East-West Link highway project.

On 31 March 2016 we occupied 16 Bendigo Street and immediately made national headlines, forcing the Andrews state government into an embarrassing confrontation. Soon after its inception, the protest drew the attention of the Wurundjeri and Kulin Nation community who helped us expose the myth of the contemporary housing crisis. For them, housing deprivation and homelessness began with European invasion in 1788.

A 20 minute short version of the film tells the story of of resistance, community, power, autonomy and diversity. A story that demands our attention in times of increasing housing insecurity, political regression and despair. A story that is a testament to the power of saying enough is enough, no more waiting for failing governments to provide our needs– we can take matters into our own hands!

With your help a 60 minute feature film can be completed to tell this inspiring story about Naarms political history! Your funds will help include an interview with uncle Larry Walsh, Izzy brown and Megan Fitzgerald in the final film.

For more information about the film visit: https://www.bendigost.com

Earlier Event: 16 November
Nine Lives For Our Planet